Updated January 2025
Income source | Cost of appointment | Medicare rebate | Gap-fee |
Waged – no Mental Health Care Plan | $120.00 | N/A | N/A |
Waged – with Mental Health Care Plan | $120.00 | $85.20 | $34.80 |
Centrelink payment/financial hardship – no Mental Health Care Plan |
$100.00 | N/A | N/A |
Centrelink payment/financial hardship – with Mental Health Care Plan |
$100.00 | $85.20 | $14.80 |
* GST is not charged on counselling appointments |
Please note:
– I am not a registered provider with any private health funds
– I no longer provide appointments under the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) program
– All my bulk-bill appointments are currently full and I am not able to take on any new bulk-bill clients
– Please speak with me if you are experiencing financial difficulty and the appointment fees prevent you from accessing support
– Appointment fees are paid via direct debit into my account. I will email you an invoice after each appointment.
– See the Counselling page for more information on how to obtain a Mental Health Care Plan
External Supervision
$140 + GST = $154.00 per session
Appointment fees are paid via direct debit into my account. I will email you / your employing organisation an invoice after each appointment.
If you are paying for your own external supervision, you can talk with your Accountant about claiming this as an experience on your tax return.
Consultancy & Collaboration
Please contact me to discuss my hourly rate for consultancy work and collaborative projects